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Owen's Recommended Resources
If you want to live The Secret of Wealth — it you want to dig deeper into how and why Generosity Fosters Abundance and feel the power of that secret working in your life — here are some resources that may help you.
Books to read:
The Generosity Factor: Discover the Joy of Giving Your Time, Talent and Treasure (2002) by Ken Blanchard and S. Truett Cathy
. A wonderful little parable illustrates the deep joy that comes from being generous. A favorite for all ages.
In the Streets ... In the Suites (2003) by Joe Salvaggio and Jim Stowell. Joe Salvaggio
is a man who lives, breathes and urges generosity as a way to more meaningful living and redeemed social conditions. He not only talks the talk, he walks the walk — which makes for interesting reading.
The Paradox of Success: When Winning at Work Means Losing at Life — A Book of Renewal for Leaders (2004) by John R. O’Neil
The Progress Paradox: How life Gets Better While People Feel Worse (2003) by Greg Easterbrook
. An incredibly well-researched book that’s also a good read — especially if you’re interested in why the good life in the modern world doesn’t add up to happiness. If understanding a problem is the first step to solving it, this book is a great place to start lifting the yoke of materialism and consumerism off your back.
Think and Grow Rich (2004, update of classic) by Napolean Hill
— Although Hill’s focus — like the focus of his mentor, Andrew Carnegie — is on money, this book not only deals with how to accumulate riches, but how to use and share them wisely, and most of all how to develop the discipline to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve in life.
Working With Purpose: Finding a Corporate Calling for You and Your Business (2004) by Jane Kise and David Stark.
If you’ve got a book, CD or other resource you think it would be helpful to add to this list,
please let us know
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